Your Receptivity is Rising: Crystalline Body Upgrades Explained
Restless? You're Not Crazy, You're Evolving.
WHOOFTA, friends.
Are you feeling tired, restless, and unsure of what's happening?
Do you run from unwanted emotions, lash out, or go quiet?
Storm Chaser: Tracking Your Body's Electromagnetic Shift
No matter your response to life right now - I’m here to say, YOU ARE BELOVED.
You're not alone.
You have permission to feel frustrated.
You’re HUMAN.
Last Saturday, we had our first pass of this great solar storm/transition moving us into June is FAR MORE MEANINGFUL than you’d imagine.
I’m not one of being able to nap during the day - or to be unable to shed a few day’s of allergies in the Spring.
This year, is VERY DIFFERENT.
Through my own transformation (grateful and incredible) of my psychic connections being blown open and experiencing increased energy body sensitivities - my spirit guides, angelic beings and ancient mother are supporting me - and also supporting you in this time.
I’m going to make sense of what the mind will want to “deny and question” on what this great SPIRITUAL war and transition into our new earth is currently going through.
We're more than just physical bodies - we're souls living in a vessel. We're perfect, celestial beings made up of energy, cells, molecules, codes, and DNA.
YOU, as a pure soul chose to incarnate at this time is part of a revolution towards a new way of being. Your body already hold incredible amounts of energy, and it's undergoing a major upgrade.
Our bodies, once dense and burdened by negativity, are now undergoing an upgrade. We are shedding the old, the cycles of greed and lack, and embracing a new reality of compassion and abundance.
This is not just a metaphor; it's a literal shift in our physical structure.
Our bodies are becoming more crystalline, allowing us to hold more light, access higher states of consciousness, and channel healing energies.
Remember those incredible northern lights we saw last week?
They were more than just a beautiful display; they were a sign of a profound transformation taking place within and around us.
We're currently experiencing a Taurus Solar Alchemy, a period of intense transformation and crystallization.
It's like our spiritual energies are merging, and our lightbodies are undergoing a metamorphosis.
Think of the Universal Law of Correspondence as a cosmic mirror reflecting our inner and outer realities.
What we focus on, we attract. So, be mindful of your thoughts, emotions, and intentions.
Future forecast:
Clear Skies Ahead As Your Crystalline Auric Field Forms
Our bodies are evolving into crystalline structures, allowing us to access higher states of consciousness and channel healing energies.
It's not just a spiritual awakening; it's a literal transformation of our physical bodies to hold more light.
Through meditation and stillness, we can open our "receptor sites" to pull in the light and integrate more into light beings. It's our responsibility to create the conditions for the new reality we desire.
But it's not just about receiving and transmitting light; it's about holding it in our form and being a conduit for its presence.
This requires being ruthless in our focus, releasing judgment, and embodying compassion and unconditional love.
It requires time of REST and rejuvenation.
As we navigate this new era of consciousness, our electromagnetic fields are alchemically transforming with each download of light.
This anchors new timelines where perceptions shift, and hearts become star gates into the essence of the "library of life" and all timelines.
We are the pioneers of this new reality, and we have a responsibility to play our role in birthing it. Our greatest tool is becoming conscious conduits of light through crystalline light bodies.
The time is now to awaken to our true potential and create a new world, where we're not just humans, but light beings, living in harmony with the universe.
Thank you for being here on this great mission.
Overview of Our Transformation
Becoming a Light-Based Divine Human: We are transforming into a light-based Divine human, embodying the star consciousness.
Heart Recalibration: Our hearts are being recalibrated to refract pure light and new frequencies. This is like a rose window, radiating light from everywhere.
Crystalline DNA Activation: We are activating our crystalline DNA, which is a key to embodying the Divine template and the Immaculate Concept.
Light Conception: This is a process of birthing new light, not a physical birth. It's about activating our star presence in form.
The Source Stargate: This is the source of all creation, a pure emanation of infinite intent and expansion. It's like a Grand Central Sun, blasting light into all realms
Key Actions for Ascension
Stillness and Meditation: It is important to cultivate stillness and meditation to connect with our inner guidance and receive star intelligence.
Nervous System Support: We need to support our nervous systems to receive the new light and frequencies. This includes yoga, rest, hydration, and self-care.